Ongoing Research
Research and dissemination of the findings have continued to be one of the core activities of the Centre for Migration Studies. A major feature of the research activities carried out during the period covered in this report is the investigation of areas that have been neglected and the innovative nature of the methodologies used by some of the research projects.
Aligning Migration Management and the Migration-Development Nexus Project (Mignex
Partner Institutions
Peace Research Institute Oslo (coordinator), Danube University Krems, University of Ghana, Koç University, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Maastricht University, the Overseas Development Institute, the University of Oxford and Samuel Hall.
MIGNEX – Aligning Migration Management and the Migration–Development Nexus – is a five-year research project (2018–2023) with the core ambition of creating new knowledge on migration, development and policy. It involves researchers at nine institutions in Europe, Africa and Asia. MIGNEX is driven by one overarching objective: Contribute to more effective and coherent migration management through evidence-based understanding of the linkages between development and migration.
Crises as Opportunities Project
Partner Institutions, The open Network for community development, Interntional institution for social studies, Migration Citoyennete Development, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, CNCA, GERM, Wisssenschaft Fur Menschen, University of Ghana, KU LEUVEN Research Institute for work and society, EAPN, Universiteit Gent, IMS Institute for media studies and Theatre Theatre De velle Bruxellois Brussels Stadstheatre City.
OPPORTUNITIES bring together migrants, citizens, and stakeholders on national, local, and regional levels in several African and European countries, encouraging them to listen to each other and to create shared narratives of migration. The main objective of these cross-talks, a method of collaborative storytelling designed for the project, is to establish common ground for a fair conversation that seeks to integrate African and European perspectives. On national and transnational levels, we seek to introduce the notion of level telling fields, initiating a new debate on migration and integration. OPPORTUNITIES invite civil society as well as policy makers to adopt and implement the fair dialogue approach introduced over the course of this project.
Action Against Trafficking in Persons into, From and Within Ghana Project (Aatip) (2022-2024)
Partner Institutions
University of Ghana, Free Slaves, Bureau of Integrated Rural Development, KNUST
The general objective is to examine the contextual issues embedded in incidents of human smuggling and human trafficking from, within and into Ghana, and to build the capacity of requisite institutions to detect, prevent, arrest and prosecute perpetrators while safeguarding the rights and rehabilitation of victims with the overarching goal of reducing incidence of trafficking in persons and protecting victims. The project will contribute to efforts to ensure that Ghana reduces incidence of trafficking in persons and protection of victims by complying with the minimum standards of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and to deliver SDG target 8.7: 'take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.'
Culture for Sustainable and Inclusive Peace Project (CUSP)
The focus is to strengthen artistic and cultural institutions in Low-and Middle-Income Countries so that they can become a reference point for the identification and transformation of social conflict whilst ensuring equal participation of women and girls in this process. The project works with arts and cultural institutions in LMIC countries. Through a 'conflict transformation' approach and a full and equitable participation of women and girls, CUSP works to strengthen LMIC arts and cultural institutions so they can become a reference point for the identification and transformation of social conflict, including gender-based violence, coercion and injustice. All CUSP's work is grounded in considerations of environmental justice and respect for local and indigenous knowledges and practices.
Migration for Inclusive African Growth Project (MIAG)
Abstractp The Migration for Inclusive African Growth (MIAG) network recognizes the role of migrants and the need for integration by bringing together researchers from multiple academic disciplines and non-academic stakeholders from public, private, and third sectors in Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique and Nigeria to: (a) understand how different migrant groups contribute to inclusive growth and (b) enhance this contribution by identifying practice and policy lessons and co-designing knowledge exchange tools for migrants and the local actors they engage.
Urban Sanctuary, Migrant Solidarity and Hospitality in Global Perspective Project
The Urban Sanctuary, Migrant Solidarity, and Hospitality in Global Perspective partnership brings together 36 academics and 36 partner organizations to co-develop and share evidence-based knowledge related to the policies and practices of accommodating vulnerable and precarious migrants and refugees in major urban centres in Africa, Europe, North America, and Latin America. The Urban Sanctuary, Migrant Solidarity, and Hospitality in Global Perspective partnership are a team of international academics and cross-sectoral partners that examine the complex and multifaceted approaches to migrant and refugee settlement. We aim to help urban decision makers develop innovative policies of migrant and refugee inclusion, while enhancing scholarly knowledge.
Governing Climate Mobility in Ghana Project
This project seeks to determine how differing governance contexts, national and local, affect adaptive climate mobility in Ghana and Ethiopia. It specifically examines the interplay between national and local governance on climate and migration. This is based on our recognition that government strategies and policies at the national level both frame and are mediated by local government and informal institutions, directly affecting households' management of their livelihoods, including climate change adaptation. The project seeks to rely on field data to make recommendations to government agencies and ministries on how institutional interventions and practices can be used to support adaptive climate mobility. Findings from the field studies are expected to provide insights on climate mobility practices to the Ethiopian and Ghanaian governments and to global actors. In Ghana, the study is being conducted in the Upper West region and Eastern region of Ghana by the Centre for Migration Studies.
Migration and Translocality in West Africa (MITRA/WA)
West Africa is a region of migration par excellence. However, contrary to the popular image of a dominant West African-European migration nexus, 90% of international migration from West Africa takes place within the region (IOM, 2021). In addition to these estimated 8 million international migrants, millions of people migrate within their country, temporally, seasonally or permanently. Analyses of these mobilities either tend to focus on social and economic impacts in migrants' places of origin or at their destinations. By applying a translocal livelihood and mobility approach on the household level, our project focusses on the interlinkages and dynamics between these places. Hereby, we seek to better understand the drivers, practices, structures and processes of rural-urban and cross-border migration and their interconnected impacts for rural and urban settings. Focusing on Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria, we emphasize challenges on social, political and ecological levels such as land use and changing gender relations, the growth of urban agglomerations and environmental change.