
Introducing CMS

The Centre for Migration Studies was established in November 2006 and formally launched in November 2007 at the University of Ghana to undertake research, teaching, training, capacity building, policy assessment, development, and dissemination in migration. CMS is the only Centre of its kind in the West African sub-region and is a regional leader in learning, teaching, and research related to migration. Migration is interdisciplinary and has 24 interfaculty members from different departments with different backgrounds including law, African studies, sociology, geography, food and nutrition, and population studies among others. All 24 interfaculty members assist with teaching, policy development, research, and capacity building activities at the Centre. The Centre also has a strong supporting staff made up of administrators, finance officers and accountants, secretaries, research officers, and graduate assistants.  The work of CMS focuses on the following key areas:

1. Teaching and Capacity Building. CMS currently runs three postgraduate programmes, namely Ph.D., MPhil, and MA (Regular and Sandwich). in Migration Studies. Since 2010 when CMS started admitting students, 175 students have graduated, including 19 Ph.D. students, 17 Mphil students, and 139 MA (Regular and Sandwich) students, many of whom are working with reputable local and international organisations in Africa. Currently, there are 68 Ph.D. student. 8 MPhil, and 34 MA (Regular and Sandwich) students studying at the Centre. CMS also works to build the capacities of stakeholders relevant to migration management through short-term training programs in specific areas. CMS has also collaborated with various international organisations, such as ICMPD, IOM, GIZ, and ILO to organise training programmes for public officials and social partners in Ghana and other African countries. CMS has facilitated several migration governance training workshops organised by the African Union and ECOWAS for member states. CMS has a strong collaboration with government institutions and CSOs working on migration issues

2. Migration Policy Development. CMS also has a strong policy focus and works to advise on and inform the formulation of national policies on migration. For instance, it recently facilitated the development of national migration policy, national labour migration policy, and diaspora engagement policy in Ghana. CMS also facilitated the development of the national migration and national labour migration policies in some other African countries, including Sierra Leone, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi.

3. Research and Data. Due to its strong academic links, research is a key area of strength. CMS works to co-ordinate past and current research activities on migration by Faculties, Departments, Institutes, and Centres, as well as undertake research activities on migration related issues from a multi-disciplinary approach.